FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is ShareToSell?

ShareToSell is an online system to help and improve real estate collaboration.

How does it work?

Each real estate agency registered in ShareToSell basically would:

  • Publish their property portfolio to make it available to the rest of the agencies.
  • Search among shared properties published by other agencies.

How are properties published?

Publication is made by compatible real estate software. Manual publication will be soon available.

How many properties can be published?

Currently there is no limit. This may change in future.

Is it mandatory for every agency to publish their properties?

No. In fact some of the agencies may not publish any properties at all and use the system just to find properties from other agents.

What information is published?

Only basic information about the property is published. Basically the same kind of information any agency publish in its website. No confidential data is published at all.

Is the information published in any public website?

No. All the info published in ShareToSell is only visible inside the system. Only registered agencies could access it.

I already use a similar system, or belong to a MLS, where I can find properties from other agents. Do I still need ShareToSell?

If you strictly collaborate with agencies only in your system, or your MLS, maybe ShareToSell will not be very useful. Instead, if you are willing to colaborate with other agencies, see which agencies are already using ShareToSell and decide. You do not have to leave your MLS or stop using other similar system to use ours.

I already use a real estate software (or CRM) and have my own web page. Why I need to use ShareToSell?

Because ShareToSell is neither a real estate software nor a web page, so you can continue using any system you use now. In fact, we recommend that you use a real estate software or CRM with XML feeds capabilities so you can automatically publish your propeties in ShareToSell.

How much does it cost?

Accessing the system has a 60€ + IVA monthly fee. Check available discounts in price section.

How to register to ShareToSell?

By filling registration request form with the basic information of your agency (name, address, phone, email, webpage). We will respond as soon as possible.

Who provides ShareToSell?

ShareToSell is a project developed by Mercanova Solutions S.L., a software company located in Estepona (Málaga), which has been developing software for the real estate agencies since 2005 (CRM, websites, portals, property feeds, ...). You can learn more about this company by visiting their website www.mercanova.com.